Stability and Transparency
Adhering to the principles of compliance and prudence and continuously optimizing corporate governance, we are enhancing our resilience and business competitiveness.
Our Philosophy
Built upon the bedrock of compliant and prudent practices, we seamlessly incorporate the ESG principles into corporate governance, safeguard against operational risks, fortify our business ethics, enhance our competitive prowess, deepen our corporate value, and elevate the sustainability and resilience of our operations.
Our Commitment
We uphold the values of integrity and honesty. Internally, we adhere to the principles of compliance and integrity, requiring employees to strictly follow relevant laws, regulations, and internal policies in all business activities, creating a transparent and ethical corporate culture. Externally, in our business relationships with suppliers, customers, business partners, shareholders, and other stakeholders, we insist on conducting business with integrity and adhering to commercial ethics, with zero tolerance for any unethical or illegal behavior.
Our Practice
We have established a governance framework with clear positioning, well-defined responsibilities, and standardized processes. We continuously optimize our system and refine our management practices, striving for excellence in corporate governance with a top-down approach.
Refine the Corporate Governance System
We possess a comprehensive corporate governance system, with the Board of Directors at its core. This system includes the establishment of the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee, and the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee. Each committee has its own charter to guide its work and define its responsibilities. We keep promoting board diversity by considering factors including but not limited to gender, age, cultural and educational background, race, and professional experience. The Board is composed of directors with diverse backgrounds to promote the balance of decision-making in the company. We pay close attention to board independence, to ensure that independent directors can raise professional opinions freely and objectively.We are also committed to creating a diverse workplace culture with diverse leadership. We encourage women to take on management positions. The Group has a total of 45 mid-to-senior-level managers, including 11 women, accounting for 24.25% of all managers.
Risks and Compliance
Upholding the ideas of compliance and stability, we abide by the guidelines and regulations issued by regulators. Building upon the establishment of domestic and international legal management systems and offering tailored legal support, we will enhance control measures in the realms of internal governance, tax compliance, and ethical business practices. This will ensure the Group's steadfast development.
We have implemented the COSO Integrated Framework for internal control in our operations, constructing an internal control system that aligns with our company's risk management needs and corporate development strategy. Within each business process and unit, we have established risk control frameworks to identify, assess, monitor, and manage risks throughout our operations. We place particular emphasis on compliance risks in key business areas, identifying and analyzing risks and providing corresponding recommendations for risk prevention and control.
The Accounting and Reporting Department enhances the accuracy of financial and business data by implementing a reverse tracking approach to reconcile procurement and cost-related processes. Meanwhile, the Tax Department diligently adheres to the principles of legality and compliance outlined in internal tax management regulations. It completes tax declarations for various tax categories and maintains and cultivates relationships between the company and tax authorities in different regions.
We have implemented the COSO Integrated Framework for internal control in our operations, constructing an internal control system that aligns with our company's risk management needs and corporate development strategy. Within each business process and unit, we have established risk control frameworks to identify, assess, monitor, and manage risks throughout our operations. We place particular emphasis on compliance risks in key business areas, identifying and analyzing risks and providing corresponding recommendations for risk prevention and control.
Prevent and Control Operational Risks
Improve Financial and Tax Compliance
Communicate with Stakeholders
We highly value the rights and interests of investors and stakeholders, takes into full consideration the perspective of investors, and proactively interacts with them, ensuring their engagement in major decisions of the Company. The Investor Relations Department maintains a market strategy featuring proactive communication, reaching out to capital market players, and demonstrating the Group's business philosophy and achievements to investors to inform them of the Group's corporate culture and business dynamics in real time. We concurrently prioritize the influence of our production and operational activities on external stakeholders, the economy, society, and the environment. This is achieved through the establishment of a normalized mechanism for communication with relevant stakeholders to understand their expectations and demands. The Group encourages stakeholder participation in decision-making and activities related to corporate sustainability. Through practice, the Group continuously enhances the effectiveness of stakeholder participation.
Stakeholders Channels of Communication
Government Securities Regulatory Commission and other regulatory agencies
  • Information disclosure
    Supervision and inspection
  • Daily management
    Meetings and communications
  • Special reports
    Statistical reports
  • Public consultation
Investors and shareholders
  • Shareholders' meeting
    Information disclosure
  • Company website
    Investor Q&A
  • Performance briefings
    Phone conferences
  • Email exchanges
    Media and research institute briefings
  • Online meetings and roadshow
    Open Day for investors
  • Investor conference offline
  • Customer satisfaction surveys
  • Public inquiries
    Complaint feedback
  • Company website and new media channels
  • Staff training
    Employee satisfaction surveys
  • Complaint feedback
    Regular meetings
  • Communication channels for employees
    Performance evaluation
  • Whistleblower email
Value chain partners
  • Training for suppliers
    Evaluation of suppliers
  • Tender and procurement procedures
  • Public/community services
    Volunteer activities
  • Public inquiries
    Communication with the media
Enhance Business Ethic
In terms of strengthening business ethics risk control and management, we embed elements such as anti-bribery, anti-corruption, anti-fraud, and anti-unfair competition into our management system. We enhance our business ethics management practices and supervision mechanisms, demanding strict adherence to ethical boundaries from every member of our organization. We also collaborate with our partners to establish a fair competition and integrity-based cooperation model, collectively fostering a transparent and open business environment.
Our Highlights

In 2022, the Group held 1 times of business ethics training. The total learning duration are 50 minutes, the total number of employees of the Group participating in business ethics training is 1259, the participation rate is 100%. The training content covers topics such as business ethics, anti-corruption, and anti-commercial bribery, and firmly establishes employees' awareness of business ethics.

We are committed to conducting our business operations in a prudent and compliant manner. In 2022, our commercial activities were not deemed as "unfair competition" by regulatory authorities or judicial bodies, both domestically and internationally. Consequently, there were zero monetary losses incurred.

We consistently empower our employees to enhance their awareness. In 2022, the organization conducted anti-corruption training, with a participation rate of 100% among employees in the China regions of the Group.

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Business and Cooperations


China HQ Address

Building 8, Wangjing Chengying Center, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China