Shared Future
We prioritize the diverse experiences of stakeholders and collaborate with a wide range of partners to achieve mutual success in the future.
Our Philosophy
Upholding the “customer first, professional, and efficient, honest and responsible, openness and innovation” culture, vision, and values, we have been championing diversity throughout its growth and sharing the created values with its employees, customers, partners across the supply chain, and communities.
Our Commitment
We adhere to responsible marketing practices, ensuring that our customers enjoy their rights by the law, driven by a strong sense of social responsibility. We are committed to compliant employment, opposing any form of discrimination, and safeguarding employment and development opportunities for every employee. We integrate a corporate culture of "equality, diversity, and inclusivity" into every aspect of our recruitment and employment processes. We pledge to engage in transparent procurement practices, striving to build a sustainable supply chain.
Our Practice
We strive to be the catalysts of the sharing era, working towards creating a diverse and harmonious business environment. For our customers, we uphold a "customer first " service philosophy, leveraging our extensive experience in computational services to provide secure, reliable, and customized high-quality solutions. For our employees, we embrace an open and inclusive approach to recruitment, empowering each other to achieve mutual growth and success. For our supply chain partners, we extend the principles of sustainable development to every link of the supply chain, gradually building a green and ethical sustainable supply chain. For society, we actively respond to the strategic requirements of "East Data West Computation," empowering the coordinated development of regional economies.
Embark on a Growth Journey with Our Customers
The Group is committed to safeguarding customer rights by thoroughly understanding their needs during the pre-sales phase. Through collaborative mechanisms across front-office, middle-office, and back-office departments during the contract negotiation phase, we establish clear service level agreements (SLAs) for IDC services in contracts and their appendices, encompassing scope, functionalities, and identification details. Meanwhile, we continuously enhance customer satisfaction to achieve our long-term goal of "sustained, healthy, and stable development of core clientele." We focus our efforts on "deepening the value of core customers" (expanding business scale, tapping into customer potential, and leveraging ecological synergy) and "bolstering service support capabilities" (emphasizing service quality, deepening customer relationships, and enhancing business analysis capabilities) across two strategic directions and six dimensions.
Create a Bright Future Together with Employees
At Chinadata, talented people are resources of the essence. We offer a fertile ground, a cross-cultural exchange opportunity, an open and inclusive work environment, and an equal chance for people from various countries, who belong to different races or ethnicities and believe in diverse religions. We prioritize talent attraction and retention, fostering a collaborative relationship built on mutual trust with our employees.
  • Empower Employee Growth
    The Group has established a talent development management system based on the principles of “selection, recruitment, cultivation, and motivation”, with a focus on ensuring the right fit between individuals and positions, and actively attracting high-potential talents. The Group places great importance on the career development of its employees, addressing their personal growth aspirations. We have created a diverse learning platform that combines online and offline resources, providing training and support for all staff members. Tailored development programs are designed for new hires, existing employees, as well as those with managerial potential, aiming to facilitate the simultaneous enhancement of their professional knowledge and leadership capabilities. In terms of talent retention, we employ a diverse range of incentives to empower employees' growth comprehensively.
    Joint Training Program: In order to meet the growth and development needs of the Group's employees' professional skills, and to encourage employees to continue learning, improve their self-skills, create a learning organization, and encourage employees to grow and develop together with the Group, the Group actively cooperates with external educational institutions to encourage employees to learn and grow. Incentives are provided for obtaining professional certificates, and the incentive policy covers all employees under the Group's labor contract. In 2022, the Group cooperated with education and training institutions such as Zhangjiakou Yunzi Vocational Training School, Lingqiu County Yongan Training School, and Hebei Ji'an Fire Vocational Training School, and received positive feedback.
    Support employees to further their education: In order to encourage all employees and interns of the Group to continue their studies and encourage employees to grow and develop together with the Group, Chindata Group has specially formulated employee degree courses and certification incentives to support employees in obtaining academic degrees, professional and technical qualification certifications and professional title certificates. Academic degree improvement projects: junior college to bachelor's degree, undergraduate master's degree, etc. Professional title improvement projects: first-class registered architect, first-class registered structural engineer, registered public equipment engineer, registered electrical engineer, etc. Vocational qualification improvement projects: high-voltage electrician, low-voltage electrician, fire-fighting facility operator, special equipment safety management and operator, electrical installation technician, refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment operation operator, etc.
    The Successor Training Plan: In 2022, the Group fully evaluated and identified core key positions, and conducted a comprehensive evaluation around core positions, the degree of relevance of the positions to the business, and the scarcity of talents in the positions, etc., and then actively formulated a 2022 successor training plan for the Group. This plan adopts a dual-channel development model and strives to comply with the company's organizational talent development strategy and at the same time fit with employees' self-career planning and development, which can better realize employees' sense of growth and value and ensure the sustainable and efficient development of the organization. Specifically, there are two paths included in the dual-channel development model, which are successor path and expert path. The successor path refers to providing high-potential talents who meet the company's management talent development requirements, have certain management capabilities, and are expected to move into management positions in their own career plans to provide focused leadership improvement, including role recognition and positioning, team management and employee coaching, as well as working within and across teams, team building and other aspects, so that employees can become management talents who understand management, can manage, can lead teams, and have high performance. The expert path refers to providing high-potential talents who meet the company's professional talent development requirements and focus on improving professional abilities to focus on improving professional & project skills, including professional qualification retraining, professional title re-education and improvement, professional high-potential internal sharing, and the cultivation of general communication and collaboration skills , in order to enable employees to become expert talents in professional fields, realize their own value, and improve the efficiency of the company's business fields.
  • Care about Employee Health and Safety
    The Group prioritizes the health and safety of its employees. We have developed and refined the EHS (Environment, Health, and Safety) Management Plan and Emergency Response Plan, establishing a safety committee and an EHS department. We continuously enhance our EHS risk assessment tools and emergency response management capabilities. We value the cultivation of a safety culture and regularly conduct EHS training, safety production training, emergency response training, and safety awareness campaigns to strengthen employees' safety consciousness. During daily operations, we require all employees to wear appropriate personal protective equipment to ensure their safety. Furthermore, we conduct regular EHS inspections to promptly identify and address any safety hazards, preventing potential incidents.The Group cares about the physical and mental well-being of our employees, emphasizing the balance between work and life. We offer flexible working hours, organize regular lectures on physical and mental health, provide ergonomic office equipment, and offer various subsidies such as holiday gifts, marriage and childbirth gifts, and allowances for daily expenses. These efforts aim to enhance employees' sense of happiness and belonging.
    Chindata Group listens to its employees and conducts employee satisfaction surveys every year. In 2022, the Group issued an employee satisfaction survey questionnaire to all employees. Employees can voluntarily fill in the form according to the actual situation. The questionnaire covers 10 major aspects such as work assignments, on-the-job learning opportunities, salary incentive system, career development prospects, personal development, and welfare benefits, in order to fully understand employees' opinions on the company and develop more targeted improvement measures. The Group collected a total of 211 valid questionnaires, and only 1.42% of employees said they were unsatisfied with their current jobs. Respondents tend to be satisfied with the work process and team atmosphere. The salary and benefit system, job development prospects, and management system are important points to improve employee satisfaction in the future.
  • Create a Future with Partners
    The Group continuously improves its supply chain system, developing and refining relevant policies and procedures to regulate supplier performance and facilitate the establishment of an efficient supply chain management system. In addition, we implement the full lifecycle management of the supply chain, covering supplier admission, performance evaluation, and exit, to achieve closed-loop supply chain management. Through regular communication and timely feedback mechanisms, the Group promptly addresses performance issues, thereby enhancing overall supply chain management efficiency. In addition, to fulfill our commitment to transparent procurement, we have developed the Contractor Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines and the Group Code of Conduct for a Transparent Supply Chain. We require all suppliers to sign commitment letters and compliance agreements related to anti-commercial bribery and confidentiality.
  • Share Development Value with Local People
    The Group is committed to sharing development value with local people and responds to the national strategy of "East Data West Computation." Through digitalization, the Group promotes industrial clustering and supports the coordinated development of various regions including Shanxi, Hebei, and Gansu. The Group gives back to society by conducting activities such as educational assistance and welfare visits. Through practical actions, the Group demonstrates its commitment to corporate social responsibility and promotes fairness.
Our Highlights

The Group encourages all employees, including part-time employees, to obtain professional certifications or upgrade their academic education. In 2022, Chindata Group reimbursed a total of 37,580 yuan in external training expenses for 51 employees who participated in educational institutions and obtained professional technical qualifications in their respective fields.

We prioritize the enhancement of customer satisfaction,with a customer complaint rate of 0% due to human factors throughout the year, and a customer service satisfaction rate of 100%.

We prioritize the health and safety of our employees, with no work-related injuries or accidents resulting in death or attempted accidents throughout the year.

In 2022, the total number of resignations of the Group is 464 (415 for Chinese mainland and 49 for overseas regions) and the Group's turnover rate is 24.34% (including mainland China and overseas regions).

We practice transparent procurement, the percentage of suppliers who have signed Compliance and Integrity Agreement was 100%.

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Building 8, Wangjing Chengying Center, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China